- White blood cells are forming, creating her immune system to protect her from diseases and viruses.
- No more see-through baby! The skin is beginning to change from transparent to an opaque color.
- Her little tongue is fully formed! All 5 senses have developed and she can taste what I'm eating. (Sorry little girl for all the sour lemonade and chocolate.. yummy combo)
- HER womb has formed.
- She is swallowing more to give her digestive system some practice and to start forming meconium in the bowels for that lovely first diaper.
- Her awake and sleep patterns are becoming more consistent. She is actually paying attention the changes in light and dark and when I'm asleep or awake!
- Her length is now measured from head to toe since she does a lot of stretching out now. She measures around 11 inches and weighs around 13 ounces, the size of a large banana or carrot!
I'll post a belly picture in my 22nd week, I'm already getting large.. my 5th month is almost over! Today is just one day closer to getting to touch her and hold her.. we can't wait.
1 comments to Another week gone by...:
Hi, Kristin! Congratulations on your new blessing! Keep those updates coming. Hopefully, we'll get to see you soon.
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