I'm officially 9 months pregnant and the baby has already dropped.. I'm so tired of waiting! The Dr. said (don't read this is if you don't want to know anything about my cervix) my cervix is completely thinned out.. by the way I've had that thing checked about 3 or 4 times now - not fun. I've been feeling those fake contractions - a pretty painful one yesterday, maybe she'll come early? My mom suggested bribing her by informing the little one that if she does come soon, she can have her ears pierced. I told her I would try it, but also that I'd wait to drop that doozey on her after my mom gets back from the beach.
My doctor did a quick ultrasound just for fun and it showed her in the face down, rump up, rolled up little ball position (the technical term, obviously) which is exactly what I had predicted whenever I play "name that bump". She is in the birthing position and with that BIG head of hers, I don't foresee her changing it before the big day. (Her daddy holds the record for largest head ever.. well, he might!) His mom told me lovely stories about how it took her hours to labor his head through.. I wish I was joking.
COME OUT LITTLE GIRL! I can't take much more of your squirming and pushing. Although it is wonderful to feel your elbows jerk upwards and those little legs stretch out, I'd rather SEE YA DO IT! I love you so much already little girl, please don't be stubborn like I was. Come out and play!!
Easy Brownie Recipes
1 year ago