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To vaccinate or to not......

Thursday, August 27, 2009
This issue has been weighing on my mind lately.. what do I do when I can't see inside Bella's brain and notice any significant changes? I understand that the shots have been purified and if the APA deems them worthy and safe enough then I should sit back and relax and know that the worries of 100 years ago are no longer relevant this day and age. We don't have to worry that 1/2 of the children in the population are going to die of the flu, small pox, measles, mumps, etc. These vaccines have saved millions of children's lives.. But why in the world has she had so many vaccinations by the age of 6 months. The same day she was born they gave her a shot for Hepatitus B, a sexually transmitted disease.. why the heck is this neccessary for a brand new body to absorb? Her 6 month check up is in 1 1/2 months and I think I've decided to postpone her vaccinations for a while - I've complied with every single one until now and call me crazy but she is turning into a different baby since her 4 month appt. When we got back from England she had her 4 month check up, even though she was 5 months, and they gave her so many shots, one in each leg and one she swallowed by mouth. Yet the two in the leg contained like 5 vaccinations.. she hasn't been the same since. She is SO cranky and before she was so easy going.. how do I know that without the vaccinations she wouldn't have turned cranky just the same?? I don't and therefore I'm going crazy. She doesn't sleep as well, she refuses routine whereas before England she slept at the same time everyday, ate at the same time, and woke up at the same time AND now she has issues with strangers even if I'm right in front of her. Maybe she's understimulated and not getting enough social interaction? That's Gerry's theory.. She is developing on time if not fast and her weight and length were in the 75 percentile.. Am I worrying over nothing? Is this motherhood? I'm overwhelmed.. I keep reading stories about mothers who notice massive changes in behavior after vaccines with 3 of their children and refused vaccines for the 4th and they didn't have the same problems.. Gerard keeps telling me that they're the exception and our healthy baby who laughs and plays and rolls all over the floor, is the rule.. I think I'm going crazy..

1 comments to To vaccinate or to not......:

Milk & Cookie Party said...

It's pretty scary with the first child because there is so much you have to do and so much you don't have to do and you get to decide. Add on to that the other pressures of life and general sleep deprivation and thinks can be very complicated. All the things that you describe- change in personality and such are pretty normal. She's going from infant to full fledge baby and she's learning that she does have some control in her world. Her behavior makes mom and dad do certain things. Yep, she's a baby but they get this fact of life very quick. The vaccinations- you aren't giving them to her for her personality but to protect her. Frankly the things you are protecting her from are huge. Yes, I read a million things about vaccines and how they can cause this and that and even autism. Ask your doctor and ask another doctor and talk to your friends and make your decision. You are the mama and you get to decide. But remember, some decision are little things and some have far reaching effects. I vaccinate my children because I think that what if they got one of these illnesses and I could have protected them from it. I honestly don't think the vaccinations change the child. The child grows and personalities change. Your sweet girl will show her sweetness soon. You've had a big trip and lots of changes, she's letting you know this. These are her words.

BTW- I'm friends with Hollie and that's how I read your blog.

You'll make your decision and something new will pop up. Yes, this is motherhood and no, "they" don't tell you all about this when you are pregnant. (I thought that was pretty mean when I was in your shoes 8 years ago.)
