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Raw Diet Day 4

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Vegetables and fruits are SO unappealing to me at the moment... but the detox is working! It's day four of this nightmare.. and I'm finally not feeling hungry after EVERY meal. Nighttime is the hardest because dinner was our best meal before because we always cooked together and it was never on the go. I miss that.. I'm ready for this to be over. Maybe 30 days is going to be reduced to fourteen. Still seems like a long time!

Morning weigh in: 125.5 - 1.1 lb weight loss since yesterday.

I've been exercising regularly but doing light work outs. I haven't been able to complete any P90X workout but I'm going to tackle yoga tonight. I'm still waiting to get over that hump of exhaustion. The headaches are gone though which means I'm over the caffeine! I'm going to start drinking organic tea/coffee after this week so I can get a natural source of caffeine without fake sugars/creams etc. 

Raw Diet Day 3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Each day gets a little bit easier.. I didn't wake up with a head-ache this morning which is a positive change! I went to the gym today and did one mile on the bike and then did all the leg exercises. I got tired really quickly so I'm still waiting to get over this hump.
Morning weigh in - 126.6 - 10 oz loss, almost another pound. I think this is starting to taper off and slow down. I'm eating ALL day long so I'm really shocked about the weight loss. If it keeps declining, I'm going to add raw fish to get more calories per day if that's what it takes. It should go up as I continue to consume over 40 g of protein and continue to work out, as muscle weighs more. So we'll see..

Raw Diet Day 2

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I feel better this morning! More energy! I actually feel like going to the gym today.

Morning weigh in before food: 127.0 - 2.3 lb weight loss which is amazing because I ate a ton of fatty foods like avacado and hemp seed (which is 8g of fat per 2 tbl) and we ate ALL day yesterday. Gerard also lost 2 lbs so it's definitely not just me!

30 Day Raw Diet.. Day One

Today is day one of this adventure. I figure, if I blog about it and keep track everyday, then maybe I'll do a better job at staying on track and help Gerard stay on track with me. Because seriously, this "diet" is really just about detoxing and purification,  not about weight loss, but I have to give up all the tasties I love... no REDBULL!! No processed/artificial sugar... no meat! no dairy!! Only raw fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. The wedding is coming up on July 17th and I just want my skin to look it's best, and I want to feel my best through these next few months filled with stress. We're continuing on with P90X so I'm going to keep track of my weight and make sure that any loss is healthy, and not extreme. So here it goes!
Day one morning weigh in before eating: 129.3

A shake of raw flax seeds, pea, hemp, rice, and chia seed protein mixed with clorophyll, wheat grass, barley, broccoli, and fresh kale. Add a banana, water, and ice, and it was actually very tasty! The wheat grass is very sweet so that helped a lot. We then ate big chunks of melon.

Apples, bananas, oranges, berries, raw sliced almonds

BIG salad of fresh romaine, spinach, kale, peppers, grapes, apples, mushrooms, etc

LARGE fruit salad, so good. 

I have no energy.. I'm cranky and hungry about an hour after eating.. is this going to last??